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Verkkoasiointimme on uudistunut. Keskustele ammattilaistemme kanssa ja täytä terveyspalveluiden oirekyselyjä uudessa palvelussamme. Palvelu korvaa Omaolon oirearviot.

Siirry asioimaan.

Student health care for upper secondary level students

For whom is student health care intended?

Student health care offers you health care and medical care services if your studies last more than two months and you study in

  • an upper secondary school
  • a vocational school
  • a liberal adult education school, such as folk high school.

If you are an apprenticeship student or a student over the age of 18 in an upper secondary school for adults, you will receive health and medical care services from your own health station or occupational health care.

Student health care for higher education students is organised by FSHS.

Student health care includes the following issues, for example, for students:

  • periodic health examinations and health examinations according to individual needs
  • medical care (urgent contacts to emergency departments)
  • mental health services and services for intoxicant abuse
  • sexual health promotion services
  • oral health care services (carried out in oral health care units).

In student health care, our work aims to support and promote students’ well-being, health and ability to study. Moreover, our goal is to identify the students’ needs for special support an early stage and, if necessary, refer the students to further examinations.

The key principles in student health care are student orientation, early intervention and multidisciplinary co-operation. Important guidelines in the work also include individuality, equality, strengthening the student’s own resources and voluntary nature of services.

Student health care is primarily based on the Finnish Student Welfare Act, the Health Care Act and the relevant Government Decree. The activities are steered and supervised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

What you should do

You can contact student health care by telephone, by making an appointment online or by seeing a public health nurse in person without making an advance appointment.

Please always remember to cancel your appointment if you are unable to come. This can be done most easily by calling the centralised telephone service, tel. 014 266 2260, Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 16.00 and Fridays from 8.00 to 13.00.

Centralised telephone service

With a few exceptions, students in upper secondary education in the entire wellbeing services county, their guardians and co-operation partners can phone the centralised telephone service of student health care.


In student health care, appointments subject to a fee include medical appointments with a doctor in face-to-face or remote appointment. The fee is 23.00 € and is charged for the first three appointments during the calendar year. The fee applies to students aged 18 years or over. Some medical statements and certificates are also subject to a fee.

A fee for unused and uncancelled appointments is charged for persons aged 18 years or over. The fee is 56.70 € and applies to medical appointments with doctors, public health nurses, psychologists and psychiatric nurses. The fee does not apply to health care appointments, such as health examinations, vaccination appointments or appointments for starting contraception.

The fee will not be charged if you have a valid social assistance decision. You must present a decision on your social assistance at the appointment.

Cancel your appointment as soon as possible when an obstacle to an appointment has arisen. This can be done most easily by calling the centralised telephone service, tel. 014 266 2260, Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 16.00 and Fridays from 8.00 to 13.00.