Hyppää pääsisältöön

Verkkoasiointimme on uudistunut. Keskustele ammattilaistemme kanssa ja täytä terveyspalveluiden oirekyselyjä uudessa palvelussamme. Palvelu korvaa Omaolon oirearviot.

Siirry asioimaan.

Contact information for home service and early family work for families with children

This is how to make an application for home service for families with children or contact early family work.

By telephone

Call the service number of home service and early family work for families with children in your area. The number is the same for both services.

The areas, localities and numbers are:

  • Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Kyyjärvi, Pihtipudas, Saarijärvi, Viitasaari and Äänekoski, tel. 014 266 3070
  • Hankasalmi, Jämsä, Laukaa and Petäjävesi, tel. 014 266 3071
  • Keuruu, Konnevesi, Joutsa, Luhanka, Multia, Toivakka and Uurainen, tel. 014 266 3072
  • Jyväskylä and Muurame, tel. 014 266 3501

The telephone service is available

  • Monday to Thursday 8.00 to 14.00.

There is a call-back service, so you can leave a call-back request at the number.

Please contact only the number for your area and leave only one call-back request. Those who have submitted a call-back request will be called back within three weekdays.